Young Carers
Young carers are people under 18 who look after a family member who is unable to look after themselves. If you are a young carer, you may be looking after someone for one or more of the following reasons:
- an illness or disability
- a mental illness
- problems with drugs or alcohol.
There are over 3,000 Young Carers in East Sussex. It is important that Young Carers know that they are not alone in their caring role. Being a Young Carer can have both a positive and negative impact on a child’s life. It can impact on confidence, opportunities to socialise, emotional wellbeing, education and future.
East Sussex Young Carers (ESYC), supports Young Carers aged 5-18. ESYC works with schools, communities, and statutory and voluntary agencies to identify hidden young carers. Following assessment, ESYC offer a range of short-term interventions including signposting, one-to-one support, in school support and workshops.
ESYC also offer training and information to professionals.
For further information contact the Young Carers Hub:
Phone: 0300 111 1110
Web: Children-and-Young-People/East-Sussex-Young-Carers
Adult Carers
A carer is a person that provides or intends to provide necessary care for another adult. This could be caring for a relative, partner, or friend who is ill, disabled, or has mental health or substance misuse problems.
Carers have the right to an assessment of their ability to provide, or continue to provide care. Staff who identify a carer must offer a carers’ assessment where it appears that the carer may have any level of needs for support, either directly or through referral to the appropriate team.
This is the case even if the person being cared for does not have eligible care and support needs, has refused a needs assessment, is a self-funder and / or that their needs are already being met through support. If eligible support needs are identified consideration must be given as to how the carer’s eligible needs for support can be met.
Care for the Carers (CFTC) is the Carers Centre for East Sussex. CFTC provide free practical and emotional advice – face to face, by telephone, or online. They can help people navigate the range of services available locally and run support groups, training and events across the county.
For further information contact CFTC ‘Gateway’ service
Phone: 01323 738390