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About us

Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023  statutory guidance sets out expectations about how local safeguarding children partnerships provide help, support and protection for children and their families.

Revised ESSCP multi-agency safeguarding arrangements came in to force on 2 September 2024, ensuring the requirements set out in Working Together 2023 were fully met. The East Sussex Multi Agency Safeguarding Arrangements FINAL was published in December 2024. These arrangements will be reviewed annually and take in to account any future updates to Working Together to Safeguard Children

The ESSCP will act as a forum for safeguarding partners to:

  • agree on ways to coordinate safeguarding services in East Sussex;
  • act as a strategic leadership group in supporting and engaging other agencies across East Sussex; and
  • implement local, regional and national learning, including serious child safeguarding incidents.

The three local safeguarding partners are: East Sussex County Council, Sussex Police, and the Sussex Integrated Care Board (NHS Sussex).

The purpose of ESSCP will be to support and enable all professionals, working with children and families in East Sussex, to work together in a system where:

  • Children are safeguarded and their welfare promoted
  • Partner organisations and agencies collaborate, share and co-own a vision for safeguarding children
  • There is early identification and analysis of new safeguarding issues
  • Learning is promoted and embedded in a way that local services for children and families can become more reflective and implement changes to practice
  • Information is shared effectively to facilitate accurate and timely decision making for children and families.